TDS Means Total Dissolved Solids or Salts Present in the Water. According to WHO and BIS Water with TDS below 50 is not ideal for drinking even though it is safe becuase water below TDS 50 PPM lacks essential minerals like Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium etc.
Is TDS 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 35, and 50 Safe for drinking water?
Water with TDS 5 is not safe for drinking even though it is as good as pure water. Water with TDS 5 does not have any taste because it does not contain essential minerals like calcium and magnesium. Even the WHO stipulates that water with TDS levels 100 up to 300 ppm is safe for drinking. So, the solution is to add essential minerals to water with TDS 5 and make it suitable for drinking. WHO suggests that TDS below 50 ppm may be too low for optimal health.

Is TDS 50 safe for drinking water?
TDS 50 is considered suitable for drinking by the World Health Organization and BIS. Though the water is safe for human consumption, it might lack essential minerals like sodium, calcium, and magnesium. Therefore, water purifier manufacturers use mineralizer cartridges or other methods like TDS controllers to improve the content of essential minerals in RO-purified water and its taste.
Is TDS 300 safe for drinking water?
The WHO clarifies that water with a minimum of TDS 50 is suitable for drinking. It has fixed an upper limit of 500 ppm. BIS has recategorized the limits and increased the upper limit of TDS to 500 ppm in India. Therefore, water with TDS 300 is suitable for drinking. However, whether it is safe will depend on the TDS content in the water. You can act safe and use an RO water purifier to reduce TDS levels and make it better suited for drinking.
Is TDS 350 safe for drinking water?
TDS 350 is considered Safe for drinking by WHO standards. However, BIS has relaxed the upper TDS limit in India and increased it to 500 ppm. Therefore, water with TDS 350 is considered suitable for drinking in India. Nevertheless, much depends on the TDS content in the water.
Is TDS 400 safe for drinking water?
Water with TDS 400 is not Good for drinking according to WHO standards. BIS recommends that water with more than 500 ppm TDS requires RO water purification. However, if you live near industrial areas or the water has a high content of heavy metal contaminants like lead, mercury, and arsenic, using an RO water purifier is the recommended option.